I’ve always been drawn to the power of minimalism in art and I am devoting more energy and practice to this approach. In December, I entered an international photographic contest from The Motif Collective with that theme and today received notice of the winners. Alas, while feeling bolstered to be shortlisted—twice, I am resolved to refine and master my craft with greater conviction. There is so much fabulous work exhibited on their website and you can see them all here. My entries are near the end of those shortlisted: “All In” and “Oak Merge”.
‘All In’ garnered a great deal of interest at a recent local art exhibition (ArtsPay Annual, Kitchener, ON) hearing from many visitors fascinating memories and stories the piece engendered. It was also included in the Homer Watson exhibition, ‘Liminal’.
‘Oak Merge’ is a composite rendered as a negative that highlights the fragile, fading beauty of nature, so commonplace it is often taken for granted.
‘All In’ shortlisted by The Motif Collective international contest Minimalism, Dec 2021
‘Oak merge’ shortlisted in Minimlism international contest by The Motif Collective, Dec 2021