A Group Collaboration on the theme of HOME
ManChoi Chow | Arlene McCarthy | Tom Samolczyk | Val Thomson | Anne Williamson | Roger Young
Opening Reception Friday, May 3, 4-8 pm
Thursdays May 9, 16, 23, 30 — 3 to 6 pm
Saturdays May 4, 11, 18, 25 — 11 am to 2 pm
Victoria Day, May 20 — 11 am to 2 pm
‘Chez Nous’
I collaborated with 5 other retired professionals from education, finance and health care to created this exhibit over the past 18 months. Using various media (acrylics, water-colour and photography) accompanied by prose and poetry, we have created an interesting mixed media exhibit. Each artist explores the theme of HOME drawing upon our own life and professional experiences to reveal what HOME may mean to us and to others. Revealing that HOME is more than four walls and a roof, but a living and dynamic process.
I began with ideas of “my home”, and then considered what home means to those who don’t have a place to call “home”, as the crisis of homelessness has exploded all around us.
Like many others, I have been disturbed by the crisis of adequate affordable housing in just about every community in Canada, and definitely “at home” in Kitchener. As an artist, I want to use this exhibit as a means to engage with this social challenge.
“Home is where you love and where you are loved,” said Father Toby when I spoke to him about A Better Tent City, part of the response to many residents in Waterloo Region who are precariously housed.
Father Toby Collins, CR, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Kitchener, guided me through A Better Tent City (ABTC) in December. ABTC is home to a community of residents who are underhoused. There are supervised facilities on site for food, shelter and support.
Brad, who is site supervisor at A Better Tent City, spoke about how many chose to return after experiencing isolation, living in alternate housing because they miss the community at A Better Tent City where they feel safe and cared for and experience forgiveness not judgement.
Home for all
This further led me to reflect on the common home for all who share the planet.
Again, I am reminded that we are inter-connected and inter-dependent, no matter human, animal, bird, aquatic, insect, vegetation, or microbial.
We thrive or we perish, together!
A hard lesson, to be sure, that we can no longer ignore. While looking for solutions to homelessness is daunting, I am emboldened that crisis is both danger and opportunity.