I am one of 3 Featured Artists in ‘Relationship & Emotion’ at Uptown. Striking art with plenty of variety and styles.
Artist Statement:
“ManChoi wants to explore the emotional and spiritual impact art (in particular his photography) makes on certain relationships—those between artists and their subject matter; between the viewer and the art object; and most importantly, between the artist and the artist-within-you in the viewer. In the exhibition “Relationship and Emotion” he has created landscape images that may evoke (even provoke) emotions such as surprise, desperation, loneliness/connectedness, melancholy, and serenity.”
I welcomed the opportunity to explore this challenging and profound theme, and started preparing months in advance. I finally chose 3 single pieces as well as a set of 3 (available separately as well) among many images I was drawn towards, all taken in late winter and early spring in 2022. I chose to print some on canvas (including metallic canvas) and one on traditional baryta photo paper; all are framed and ready to be installed in their new home.
In upcoming blogs I will comment on other pieces in this exhibition, let me begin with ‘Tree Line in 3 parts’.
‘Tree Line in 3 parts’ (a)
‘Tree Line in 3 parts’ (b)
‘Tree Line in 3 parts’ (c)
Driving through Waterloo County I pay attention to the natural environment that evokes feelings in me; I am getting better in trusting my intuition about whether a scene is worth stopping and capturing, after many a time when I regretted not listening to my heart. This particular stand of trees, a bush in the midst of a farmer’s field, on a cold late winter’s day at first sight seemed quite ordinary. Yet something stirred in me, and I stopped to look more carefully. Initially, I had a feeling of isolation and unbelonging, perhaps because of the vast, bleak fields of snow surrounding them, as well as the nakedness of their branches. Yet when I stopped and paid closer attention, as well as being more attuned with my soul, I connected with their spirit of solidarity and communal refuge that transcended their seeming vulnerability. My feelings turned warm and I felt consoled. To honour my spiritual encounter and to invite others to look more closely at what we often overlook and take for granted, I decided that the set of 3, rather than a single image, would better capture the fullness of my awakening.